Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fionúir: How do we hear sound?

How do we hear sound?

Can you imagine living in a world where you are unable to hear? We wouldn’t be able to hear splendid sounds such as sweet songs, buzzing bees, whispering wind and waves. And we wouldn’t be able to learn as much as we do without our excellent ears. Aren’t we lucky that we can hear? Do you want to know how we hear? If yes, please read on.

How we hear 

Sound is a type of energy, just like electricity or light.

Sound is made when air molecules (at least two atoms come together) vibrate and move in a pattern called sound waves.

If you close the door or shout for Mum or Dad, it produces sound waves. Then your brain tells you that you recognise the sound.

Sounds good to you, doesn’t it!?

Picture of sound waves

The human ear 

To understand how we hear sound we have to know how the ear works. So I have described how the human ear works. Please read on.

The very first thing that happens is that we hear a sound such as “come and eat your dinner” or “it’s time for school”!

Well, first the sound is reflected by the pinnae (outer ear), then it goes swiftly through the auditory canal (outer ear) and strikes the eardrum (a membrane which looks like a stretched balloon) causing it to vibrate. It then glides on to the tiny stapes (smallest bones in the body) which leads to the circular window. It then continues to travel to the cochlea (looks like a snail!).

After that jolly journey, the sound waves are pushed through the eustachian tube. The auditory nerve sends messages to the brainy brain. The brain tells us what it means and how to react to different sounds.

Most of the ear by the way is inside the head!!! We can only see some of it!!!

Sound travelling through the ear 

Please see poster in class.

Some sounds I really adore 

Dogs barking in their sleep — very cute!

Birds on the trees in spring time singing happily in the foggy, fresh morning.

Classical and pop music, the violin.

Running hot bath.

What sounds do you like? 

A girl playing the violin 

Some sounds I hate 

The sound of mosquitoes buzzing in my ears.

The sound of a lawnmower or vacuum cleaner.

The sound of an electric toothbrush.

The sound of our washing machine peeping at the end.

The sound of a fire brigade siren.

The sound of the alarm clock ringing early in the morning!!

What sounds do you hate?

Alarm clock

Some amazing facts

By the way dolphins have got the best hearing sense of all animals. They can hear 14 times better than we humans.

And what is more children have more sensitive ears than adults. I think
the reason for this that we need to be able to hear dangerous things, e.g a car coming fast towards us, boiling water, falling stones!! Our ears protect us from such possible dangers!!

Fun questions about (?) extraordinary hearing power

Would you like to be able to hear ants or snails communicate?
Why or why not? Please explain your an(ts)swer.

Would you like to be able to hear President Obama talk to his wife and girls? Why or why not?

Would you like to be able to hear Angela Merkel talking to her husband? Why or why not?

Do you think we will be able to do that in the future with groundbreaking technology?
Such as in sci-fi movies today?


Cheers Fionúir

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